Task Force on Financial Integrity Partnership Panel


The Partnership Panel, which meets in the first and third quarter of the year, is comprised of key governments and institutions that provide funding to and/or cooperate closely with the Task Force.  The Partnership Panel mandate is to facilitate meetings with other government officials, provide information on discussions and conferences that are relevant to the Task Force, and strategize on how to best promote Task Force goals within governments, multilateral organizations, and other institutions that could advance the goals of the Task Force.

  • Canadian International Development Agency
  • Ford Foundation
  • Government of Chile
  • Government of Denmark
  • Government of France
  • Government of Germany
  • Government of Greece
  • Government of India
  • Government of the Netherlands
  • Government of Norway
  • Government of South Africa
  • Government of Spain
  • Secretariat of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development representing the following governments:
  1. Algeria
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Belgium
  4. Benin
  5. Brazil
  6. Burkina Faso
  7. Burundi
  8. Cambodia
  9. Cameroon
  10. Cape Verde
  11. Central African Republic
  12. Chile
  13. Congo
  14. Cote d’Ivoire
  15. Cyprus
  16. Djibouti
  17. Ethiopia
  18. European Commission
  19. Finland
  20. France
  21. Gabon
  22. Germany
  23. Great Britain
  24. Guatemala
  25. Guinea
  26. Guinea-Bissau
  27. Haiti
  28. India
  29. Italy
  30. Japan
  31. Jordan
  32. Lebanon
  33. Liberia
  34. Luxembourg
  35. Madagascar
  36. Mali
  37. Mauritania
  38. Mauritius
  39. Mexico
  40. Morocco
  41. Mozambique
  42. Namibia
  43. Nicaragua
  44. Niger
  45. Nigeria
  46. Norway
  47. Poland
  48. Romania
  49. Sao Tome and Principe
  50. Saudi Arabia
  51. Senegal
  52. Sierra Leone
  53. South Africa
  54. South Korea
  55. Spain
  56. Togo
  57. Uruguay
  58. Observer Countries:
  59. Austria
  60. China
  61. Egypt
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