How to Increase Foot Traffic to Your Brick and Mortar Store


In 2017, brick and mortar stores brought in $3,043 billion in revenue

While many people think that online shopping is the new thing, brick and mortar stores are bringing in plenty of money, which is why it’s important that you focus on how many people are visiting your store.

If you realize that your store doesn’t actually have a lot of foot traffic, follow these strategies!

Create Good Window Displays

One way to bring customers into your store is by enticing them with exciting window displays. 

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If you have a store somewhere that has a lot of people walk by, you should try and put something in the window that will catch their attention. If they’re interested, they might decide to pop into your store and check it out. 

When designing your window decoration, really try and think outside of the box. For example, if you have a clothing store, try to avoid just putting some dressed mannequins in the window. Instead, you could create a whole scene (featuring your clothes) that will invite people to come in and check out more for themselves.

Train Your Employees for Great Customer Service

Even if you have the greatest window display and increase foot traffic, it won’t matter if your employees can’t offer good customer service

Nothing turns people off more than having to deal with employees who are rude or don’t listen. Even worse, if you have bad customer service, the customer might go tell other people to avoid your store. 

However, one way to show that you have good customer service is to have some staff outside of the store. They can offer free samples, hand out flyers, or positively engage with the customers. 

Invent Unique Signage

If you grab people’s curiosity, you could cause them to wander in your store. You could do this by having a great sign. If they’re interested enough in it or think the message is clever, they might want to actually check your store out.

Even if they don’t check your store out, they may decide to snap a picture of it and upload it onto their social media. This gives you free marketing and could attract even more new customers. 

If you want to create a unique sign for your store, make sure you visit this website

Have a Diverse Inventory

While many people do shop online, a large portion of people also want to go to the brick and mortar store to actually check out the product for themselves. Whether it’s to see something that the online store doesn’t show or to try it on, you should make sure that you actually have it on the shelves. 

If your customers don’t think that you have it on the shelves, they probably won’t waste their time going to your store.

While inventories change all the time, you need to make sure that you keep your website updated. If it isn’t updated and a customer can’t find the product they wanted, they’re less likely to trust the website in the future, which means they probably won’t come back. 

Make Shopping There an Experience

Most people will just shop online simply because of how convenient it is. So if a customer took the time to come to your store, you need to reward them for it. 

Make sure that they don’t just have a boring shopping trip while they’re there. Instead, make shopping at your store a fun experience that people look forward to doing. 

For example, if you have a makeup store, you should offer different stations and employees that can help them sample all of the makeup that they want. You might also want to offer free makeovers in a way to sell your product.

Other stores are using technology to make shopping at their stores special, like installing smart mirrors in their clothing stores.

Offer In-Store Pickup Services

People are busier now than ever, which is why so many stores have started offering in-store pickup services. 

While the foot traffic in your store won’t be there for very long, it can be a great way to draw people to the store. They can order something on your website and then head to your store to pick it up.

This is great for them because it saves them time and normally saves them money on shipping as well. If you run this program well, you might even be able to get new customers to come into your store and do their own shopping rather than picking it up.

You could also set up a monthly fee to use in-store pickup services if a lot of people enjoy using this service at your store. 

Do Some Creative Brainstorming

If you’ve tried all of these things and it’s still not working, you can try researching your competitors. 

If your store is in a mall or busy shopping area, walk around and look at your competitor’s stores.

What are they doing right? What do people seem to like about their store? What do your competitors’ stores have that yours doesn’t? 

Discover More Ways to Increase Foot Traffic in Your Stores

These are only a few ways to increase foot traffic in your stores, but there are many more creative options you could try!

We know that running a business and keeping it afloat can be stressful and overwhelming, which is why we’re here to help you.

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