How To Use Gift Cards On Paypal?

How To Use Gift Cards On Paypal

Gift cards are a great way to send money and show your appreciation to someone. But how do you use them? PayPal makes it easy to use gift cards when making purchases online. This comprehensive guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to use gift cards on PayPal. You’ll learn how to add a gift card to your PayPal account, make payments with gift cards, and check a gift card’s balance. With this information, you’ll be able to make the most out of your gift cards and enjoy the convenience of shopping online with PayPal. So, let’s learn how to use gift cards on PayPal!

How To Use Gift Cards On Paypal?

1. Add a Gift Card to Your PayPal Account

You’ll be prompted to enter the gift card’s code when you add a gift card to your PayPal account. This code is the unique 10-digit number on the back of your gift card. If you use a physical gift card, this number will be printed on its back. If you’re using an online gift card, you’ll find this number on its website or in your email confirmation. Once you have this code, click “Add Gift Card” and follow the instructions for entering payment information for your purchase.

2. Make Purchases with Your Gift Card

When you make a purchase with your gift card, it will be deducted from your account balance or linked credit or debit cards as applicable. If there isn’t enough money in your account to cover the purchase, then PayPal will charge additional fees (depending on if it’s a credit or debit card). Please see our article “How to Avoid Fees When Using Gift Cards.”

3. Check Your Gift Card Balance

When you shop online, you can check your gift card balance by logging in to your PayPal account and selecting “My Account” from the top menu. You’ll see a list of your current balances and any pending payments. If you are still looking for a balance for your gift card, more money must be in your account to cover the purchase. If this happens, you’ll need to add more money to your PayPal account before making your purchase. To do this, click “Add Money” from the same “My Account” page and follow the instructions for adding funds from bank accounts or credit or debit cards as applicable.

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4. Use Your Gift Card at Target or Walmart Online

If you want to use your gift card at Target or Walmart online, you’ll need to link your account to your gift card first. When adding a new card, this can be done by entering the gift card code on the “Add Gift Card” page. After linking your account, you can select the “My Gift Cards” tab from the same “My Account” page and select the gift card you want. When buying items, simply enter the amount of your purchase and click “Checkout.” If there isn’t enough money in your account balance to cover the purchase, then PayPal will charge additional fees (depending on if it’s a credit or debit card). Please see our article “How to Avoid Fees When Using Gift Cards.”

Overview Of Using Gift Cards On Paypal

  1. Add a gift card to your PayPal account. If you want to use a gift card with PayPal, you must first add it to your PayPal account. If you don’t already have a PayPal account, create one here. You can also sign up for an existing account if you’d like by clicking here. Once the accounts are set up, follow these steps:
  2. Make payments with a credit or debit card. When making purchases online, select “Credit/Debit Card” as the payment method. Enter payment and shipping information Review and submit payment information Review and submit order information. Confirm that transaction details have been saved
  3. Check the balance of a gift card. To check the balance on a gift card, click “Credit Card” on the left side of the screen. Select “Check Balance,” Enter the gift card number and PIN, then click “Check Balance” to view the balance information
  4. Use a gift card with PayPal. To use a gift card with PayPal, you need to link your PayPal account to the gift card. To do this, sign in to your PayPal account and go to “Settings” Click “Add a Credit/Debit Card” Enter the credit/debit card information Click “Add Credit/Debit Card.”
  5. Buy something with a gift card. When making purchases online, select the payment method that best matches your needs. Select “Payment Method” Click on the payment method that matches your needs. Click on the payment method that matches your needs Review and submit payment information Review and submit order details. Confirm that transaction details have been saved.

How To Redeem A Gift Card On Paypal?

  1. Open the PayPal website. The first step in using gift cards is to log into your PayPal account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one by clicking here.
  2. Click the “Add a credit or debit card” button in the top right corner of your PayPal homepage.
  3. Enter your gift card details and click “Continue.” This will take you to the next page, where you can enter more information about the card and choose how to pay for it (eCheck/ACH/Debit Card). You’ll also have the option to add a security code if you want to use a unique code to redeem your gift card; this is optional but recommended if you want to ensure that no one else uses your gift card. Click “Continue” when finished with this page.
  4. You’ll be asked to enter additional information about your cards, such as the card name, security code, and expiration date.
  5. Enter your gift card details and click “Continue.” This will take you to the next page, where you can enter more information about the card and choose how to pay for it (eCheck/ACH/Debit Card). You’ll also have the option to add a security code if you want to use a unique code to redeem your gift card; this is optional but recommended if you want to ensure that no one else uses your gift card. Click “Continue” when finished with this page.
  6. You’ll be asked to enter additional information about your cards, such as the card name, security code, and expiration date.
  7. Click “Continue.” This will take you to the next page, where you can enter more information about the card and choose how to pay for it (eCheck/ACH/Debit Card). You’ll also have the option to add a security code if you want to use a unique code to redeem your gift card; this is optional but recommended if you want to ensure that no one else uses your gift card. Click “Continue” when finished with this page.
  8. You’ll be asked to enter additional information about your cards, such as the card name, security code, and expiration date.
  9. Click “Continue.” This will take you back to your PayPal account, where you can now check the balance of your gift card or make a payment with it by clicking “Make Payment” or “Check Balance.”


Gift cards are a great way to send money and show your appreciation. However, you can use gift cards for more than just sending money to friends and family. You can also use gift cards when making purchases online. This makes gift cards great for online shopping since they don’t require additional information. This comprehensive guide will teach you how to use gift cards on PayPal. This can make online shopping more accessible since you won’t have to enter credit card information.

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